Our dedicated team
Experts at your side

International Sales Manager
Solène Voltz
Solène Voltz joined VOLTZ Maraîchage in 2020. It is the Vertical Farming project that convinces her to come: “After the acquisition of HILD and the aromatics genetics, there was a growing demand from the new market of indoor varieties. So, I joined the company to create and develop a range that meets the expectations of Vertical Farms. We now have a dynamic sales team that can meet international demands,” she explains.
Daily, she is responsible for the International Maraîchage team as well as the Vertical Farming team: “We still have a lot of development to do, both in our varieties and in our knowledge of the specific needs of our customers.”
In 2023, Solène has worked on the new e-shop launching, a website dedicated to seeds for Vertical Farms. She is also focusing on developing the range worldwide: “The goal for 2023 is to offer Vertical Farmers a complete range of seeds, from herbs, micro-greens, and even plants for cosmetic use... We do a lot of variety testing with our customers and try to find the most suitable ones for each system, while ensuring the highest quality seed. This is our commitment to Vertical Farmers,” she enlightens.

The goal for 2023 is to offer Vertical Farmers a complete range of seeds, from herbs, micro-greens, and even plants for cosmetic use...
Solène Voltz

Sales Representative Western Europe / South America – International Product Manager Cosmetics & Edible Flowers
Emmanuel Guay
“After another professional experience, I wanted to return to the vegetable seed environment.” This is the reason that led Emmanuel Guay to join VOLTZ Maraîchage in 2022. His arrival matches with the development of our Vertical Farming department as well. “I am an agricultural engineer with a specialisation in seed production. I also have an interest in indoor and hydroponic production, as I have worked in soil-less tomato production greenhouses. That's why I liked the Sales Representative job: it brought together the themes of vegetable seeds and indoor production.”
His day-to-day work consists of answering as well as possible customer requests (quotations, shipments, technical advice, etc.) but also of setting up a range of products intended for cosmetics for Vertical farmers: choice of varieties, setting up trials, putting the selected varieties on the market. Indeed, the range’s evolution is one of the highlights of his experience in the Vertical Farming department.
His final advice to producers: “I would say that you have to choose the right varieties, and spend a lot of time observing (plant production is a lot of observation).

I liked the Sales Representative job: it brought together the themes of vegetable seeds and indoor production.
Emmanuel Guay

Sales Representative USA / Canada / Mexico – International Product Manager Lettuces
Jim Rozec
Jim Rozec has just joined VOLTZ Maraîchage. With his horticultural background, he thought it was only logical to work in this field: “My father has been producing tomatoes in greenhouses since the 1990s, and through his career I have seen the specificities of production in a controlled environment: increased yields, a very technical job where you have to control the crop as well as possible. With my scientific culture and an interest in biology, I continued along this path of vegetable production, mainly in greenhouses, during my studies and professional experience.”
After his working experience in Asia, he’s been relocated in the U.S.A. to be closer to its clients. Daily, he keeps in touch with our partners and customers. “They often have needs and questions about our products, and in order to find the most suitable variety for their production system and consumer demands. We set up trials to respond to these problems and I also help producers to solve technical production problems,” he explains.
One of his advices to new Vertical Farmers? “In lettuce, it is complicated to produce Head lettuce types (Iceberg, Butterhead, Romaine). It is better to choose Looseleaf varieties where the air circulation between the leaves is better to avoid tip burn problems.”

I set up trials and help producers to solve technical production problems.
Jean-Marie Rozec

Sales Representative Eastern Europe – International Product Manager Leafy
Pascal Gastaldello
6 years ago, after several positions in seed companies, Pascal Gastaldello joined VOLTZ Maraîchage International Team. The vegetable world is s a long-time passion for him: indeed, he has been fond of agriculture and vegetable production since he was a kid. Today, he is sales representative for VOLTZ Maraîchage and VOLTZ Vertical farming. He travels worldwide to meet clients: "the daily tasks are very various from traveling to meeting the customers in their countries, to office work and given price or quotation to customers. I also collaborate with the customers service team to make orders for customers mainly,” he explains.
The year 2022 was the time to connect or reconnect with our customers in their countries after the “COVID-19 break”. “I am here to better understand their needs, to give them the best solutions. One of the challenges was also to make the link between the ex-HILD customers with the new organization of VOLTZ Maraîchage” (HILD Samen became part of Graines Voltz in 2020). Today he follows UK and East Europe countries, where he organizes new trials aromatic’s herbs farm specialists. He became in charge of our leafy range for VOLTZ Vertical Farming.

I am here to better understand the needs of our customers, and to give them the best solutions !
Pascal Gastaldello (on the left)

Sales Representative Switzerland – International Product Manager Herbs, Radishes, Beans
Wolfgang Fischer
Wolfgang Fischer has put a foot in the seed world for years! He entered HILD Samen (the seed breeder bought by Graines Voltz) 36 years ago. Since then, he has made his trail in the seed breeding work, but also in international trades as he is part of the International Team and Vertical Farming group: “Today I am international product manager for our own breeding activities for herbs, radishes and climbing beans, and I am actively responsible for sales in certain countries” he explains. As a product manager, he enjoys scoring and evaluating trials: “I find it very exciting to see our existing and new breeds in this way and to get to know and place them properly. With this knowledge I can support our sales team and customers well and efficiently. Market and competition analyze complement the activity.”
As Wolfgang follows the development and breeding activities, he is travelling a lot to visit our trials field. “There are trials with our aromatic herbs in various European countries and in North America. These are divided into pot and field trials. This is where our new breeds come into the trials. In the vertical farming business, we mainly test our well-known range, which has proven itself so far. There are currently tests in Australia with our standard range, he details.” And this hard work is paying off: “VOLTZ Maraîchage became a major international contact and supplier for high quality herbs and other crops. Some of our variety highlights are Basil Lucia and Gustosa. Coriander Atlas and Shanghai, or Parsley Laica and Starlett,” concludes Wolfgang.

I find it very exciting to see our existing and new breeds in this way and to get to know and place them properly.
Wolfgang Fischer (on the right)

Agent – UK and Ireland
Michael Lioe
Michael Lioe recently joined the VOLTZ Maraîchage team. He got a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Agribusiness & Trade and he is based in Ireland. He is working with us as a sales representative in his area : Ireland and the whole UK. “I am the first point of contact for all our customers here in the UK and Ireland, which is an advanced technological and horticultural area, he explains. Vertical farms have already achieved a lot, and are now, amazingly, able to have complete control over the entire cultivation process. Unfortunately, there is a lack of understanding of the seed sector among vertical farms, and since seeds are an integral part of the cultivation process, it is my responsibility to ensure transparency and to pass on knowledge of the seed supply chain. Of course, of utmost importance is that the product our customers receive is of the highest standard and it will synergize with the advanced growing technology we see in vertical farming.”
For the new production year, Michael’s objectives are to be closer to the UK customers and so to travel a lot on the “fields”/warehouses ! It is also essential to meet new customers: “it is important that I do my research and discover new and budding vertical farming businesses who can benefit from the VOLTZ Maraîchage services. I believe vertical farming will continue to play an increasing role in the food provisioning system, and so it is important to invest in the future,” tells Michael.

I believe vertical farming will continue to play an increasing role in the food provisioning system, and so it is important to invest in the future !
Michael Lioe (on the right)